So I go back to

So I go back to our QA lab and there was some freaky techie guy in there already hogging a bunch of the computers. Lucky for me, I started my testing last night. Take THAT techboy!

He was quite jumpy while I was in there – almost came out of his skin when I leaned back in my chair and it creaked. You should have seen him after I got through racing my chair around the lab making “VROOM VROOM!” noises. Well, in my head anyway. They don’t know me well enough on this floor yet to realize I’m really like that.

Pennywise (“Astro Zombies”) followed by Everything But the Girl (“Before Today”) followed by No Doubt (“Ex-Girlfriend”) followed by Peggy Lee (“Fever”) followed by the Cookie Monster’s (“Lost Me Cookie at the Disco””). I heart MP3s.

Oh God. I just got

Oh God. I just got to the end of my pasta and there was a piece of what appears to be carrot at the bottom. I don’t have anything against carrots per se (except for those little ones – they bug me), but the last time I checked, tomato sauce doesn’t have carrots in it. So now I’m wondering

a) What the hell this orange thing is

b) How many of these things I’ve eaten, since they kind of blend in with the natural red of the sauce.

I guess now I get to go home sick.

It’s a race to see

It’s a race to see which I’m going to turn into – a big can of Coke or a big tupperware of pasta. I’m thinking the Coke, ’cause I tend to keep a pretty consistent level in my bloodstream. I suppose I should cut back one of these days, but I don’t feel up to going through those caffeine DTs right now.

Kind of like foreign movies. I don’t mind subtitled movies, but I have to be in the mood for them. Therefore, I haven’t seen many of the recent foreign “Ohmigod you HAVE to see it!” movies. I finally broke down and watched Run Lola Run mainly to watch, well, Lola running. It was said by one critic to be “Sliding Doors on steroids.” A friend of mine and I agree that it’s more like Sliding Doors on acid.

So since I’m still not quite in a subtitle mood and I’m watching the DVD, I decide to go for the english dub. Quite interesting, ’cause I left the subtitles on also. It was like watching two different movies. As expected, the subtitles were much better. 1) The dubbing just used any words that happened to sort of match the actor’s mouths. 2) Franka’s dubber was really whiny. They should’ve gotten her to do her own dubbing (that sultry voice in the music. You know – “I wish I was a hunter”). I guess I’m going to have to get back into the subtitle mood one of these days.

Ummm… errr…. (looking around bashfully)

Ummm… errr…. (looking around bashfully) Hey blogger gang. I was looking at the “most recently created blogs” list and noticed it only went up to July 9th. Mine started July 11th. Heh. Heh heh. Heh. So I guess this means I didn’t get messed up on my URL pointing after all! I’ll just sit here quietly and patiently now.

Well, not quietly. I just won’t whine anymore.

Well, not about the directory thing.

My Yahoo! horoscope for the

My Yahoo! horoscope for the day:

It is very important to take care of your health, as well as issues that relate to your job. You could act as the producer for projects that will have great meaning to coworkers and people everywhere. Your inner fears and worries need to give way to a higher motivation. Your desire to help people help themselves will attract the right support system on a cosmic level. Keep your eye on your goals.

What this means is: C’mon Blogger crew! I wanna be in the directory! I need to work on my cosmic support system!

I’m really starting to wonder

I’m really starting to wonder about the “fairer sex”. My new desk is directly outside of the women’s bathroom on my new floor. My original thought was “Hey – now I get to see all of the women who work on this floor!” Now my thought is “What in the HELL are they doing in there?” Every now and then, some pretty bizarre noises can be heard resonating through that door. What was that? Some kind of power tool? Sure, the obvious thought comes to mind, but let’s face it – I’m a good ten feet away from the bathroom and the door is shut. That would have to be a magic wand run on car batteries or something. I’m ready for a new desk…