So Barb and I are getting dinner ready tonight (well, she’s getting it ready and I’m getting it from her) when the doorbell rings. I open it up to discover one of Hartford’s Finest standing outside. Apparently, one of the sons/grandsons of the former occupants of our house has a warrant out for his arrest and our house is still listed as his current address. As if it weren’t bad enough we’re still getting the family’s mail, now we’re getting their arresting officers as well.
I explain the situation as best I can, owing to my increasingly poor memory and recollection of names. Plus, I get the thought in my head that maybe this guy’s not a real cop. Maybe he’s some kind of scam artist in a cop suit trying to pull something on us. I don’t even see a cop car in the immediate area. Is that supposed to be a police issue Geo across the street? Wouldn’t his uniform fit better than that? And it’s raining out – shouldn’t he have his hat on with one of those little shower cap things?
It’s hard to think about conspiracies and cons and talk about another subject at the same time, at least for me. The conversation runs around in circles for a couple of minutes before we get back on track and I remember that one of the owner’s daughters works at a place still in the area, so I give them that info. He thanks me and turns away from the door. As he’s walking down our porch steps, I suddenly realize there had been another officer just off to one side of the door who I hadn’t even noticed. Gotta start paying more attention, but hey – I’m tired and weak.
I lock the door and turn around to go back to the kitchen and tell Barb what just happened (she was on the phone when the doorbell rang) when I hear the name of the person they’re looking for again. In a voice much deeper than Barb’s. I get back to the kitchen to find that there were even more than my two cops – the others had gone to the back door to watch for runners and question Barb, who took them pretty much down the same path I did, just with less stumbling and wandering about. Turns out I didn’t see the cruisers ’cause they were in our driveway, cutting off the escape.
What a night.