Today is Day 2 of my week off, so after my weekly visit with Dr. B, I decided to stop by DelMonico Hatter in New Haven to try on some hats. Barb is convinced that I don’t have a “hat head,” but I know she’s gotta be wrong. My head is gorgeous, right?
So after trying on every hat in the store (well, every straw hat, it being summer and all), I found two that didn’t make me look completely dorky. Barry at DelMonico was super-nice & took photos of me in each so I could run them by Sarge. I mean, Barb. The hats in the photos don’t look quite as good as they did when I looked in the mirror, but I think that was mostly due to me being self-conscious about how I should pose to best reflect the hats’ awesomeness.
This one is the Bailey Billings, which fit the best, but I don’t like the contrasting weaving in the hat. If it had been a solid color, I’d be wearing it right now 🙂

This is the Pantropic Habana. It fit well and was a pretty strong second choice, though I think I’d do better with a little more of a pinched crown.

Tomorrow, the quest continues!