Ugh. I’ve not had near

Ugh. I’ve not had near enough caffeine to cope with BurfDog just yet. Perhaps I’ll go outside for a long, loooong walk. Perhaps I’ll offer to take BurfDog with me. “I don’t know what happened – I looked away for a second and he was GONE!”

My schemes are usually a little more machiavellian, but as I said, I haven’t had much caffeine this morning. Perhaps my evil-ness (evility?) will return by the afternoon.

Okay, I’m down in the

Okay, I’m down in the QA lab, starting up Win2K, when I see the message “Updating security pocky.” Whah? Oh…. “policy.” Apparently my brain is telling me I need chocolate. Always one to cater to my impulses, I went and dropped two bucks worth of quarters into the beloved M&M machine. Here’s today’s run-down for those of you playing at home:

Green – 4
Blue – 7
Orange – 10
Red – 12
Brown – 16
Yellow – 18

Whaddaya know – my M&Ms are only 17.9% cancerous today. WOO HOO!!

I am a total DVD

I am a total DVD slut. My parents helped me out with buying a player for my birthday, so I’ve been stocking up on the movies I love. And the movies I like. And the movies that are okay, but they’re just soooo cheap!

Two sites I’ve found invaluable in my quest of theatrical acquisition:

1) DVD Pricesearch – to put it in a plain, high school-type manner, this site ROCKS! Not only can you compare prices on individual DVDs, you can create a basket of DVDs and compare prices for multiple movies, as well as the option to split the basket up to get the best deal. Add into the equation that it takes shipping and tax costs into account, as well as a separate section of the site listing special deals and coupons for different sites, and this becomes my favoritest place in the world.

2) Netflix – twenty bucks for unlimited rentals – how awesome is that? Considering Blockbuster charges me around four bucks per rental, I’m ahead of the game each month after I’ve rented five. I rented nineteen last month, so I’m waaaaay ahead of the game.

Well, I think I have

Well, I think I have the computers under control. Now I have to actually start doing work again. Crap – just when things were going good.Today could be a good day, however – I received a notice from DVD Empire that The Princess Bride was shipped out on Saturday. WOO HOO!! Now this means I’ll be walking up two flights of stairs every few minutes today to see if there’s anything in my mailbox. Oh well, I need the exercise anyway.

Okay, so I don’t need

Okay, so I don’t need to fall back asleep to feel like crap. I merely need to not have a parking place in the morning, have no caffeine in the fridge and two system crashes in the first five minutes. Let’s hear it for Monday.

Well, I figured out what

Well, I figured out what I’ll be doing instead of hockey. I’ll be waking up way too damn early. I think my body got used to running on no sleep and has been totally freaking this weekend. Oh well, at least it’s only an hour to kill before my actual wake up time. Knowing me, I’ll get really sleepy in about thirty minutes, just so I can go back to sleep and feel like crap when the alarm goes off. After all, it’s Monday.

I finally watched Tetsuo: The Iron Man this weekend. Well, most of it anyway. I became a little too tired of trying to figure it out to pay attention. It does bring up an important question that every couple should ask themselves: “Honey, would you still love me if I had metal growing out of me and a giant drill for a penis?”

I also ran to go see Gladiator before it left the big screen. Yes, my butt is still asleep. I think Ridley Scott and Bryan Singer should have switched movies. Ridley gets the X-Men, Bryan gets Gladiator. Then we’d have the perfect amount of story for both.

a/s/l! Whatever. You know, I


Whatever. You know, I remember the good old days of morf. Now, as I sit here with my AIM going, I constantly get peppered with the infernal three letter code. Oh well.

I’m bored to death and going through one of my common bouts of insomnia, so I’ve been browsing through people’s AIM profiles. Well, I was going through the profiles. I decided that if I saw one more person “giving a shout out to” somebody, I was going to have to run screaming from the room. I think I’ll wander back to belvoed blogger for awhile and see who else is awake out there.

Oh yeah, I discovered today

Oh yeah, I discovered today that I totally forgot to put in my target parameters now that I’m runnign the page in frames. D’OH! Something to do tomorrow, I suppose. Wait, that would be today.

Note to self: Wipe the memory on the Palm Pilot tomorrow. (And I even remember who’s blog I found that link on! I must be recovering already!