Okay, today is NOT the

Okay, today is NOT the day for Annoying Little Burfing Dog to be burfing. Maybe he’s not too small to flush after all.

I’m going crazy here. Aside from ALBD, I’m having no luck with my link color problem. The only solution I’ve found out here is using CSS and I’m just not in a mood to deal with that sort of thing this morning. Especially since I just know that I once knew a simple HTML solution for the problem. I guess I’ll just mess with it over the weekend after I’ve had about forty hours of sleep.

Bossman Dan likes the Ella

Bossman Dan likes the Ella CD – came over to ask what it was and compliment it. Unspoken implication – “This is a lot better than the crap you usually play.

The brain is feeling a little more intact, but I think I’m going to pop in some Ella & Louie just to make sure.

Well, woke up with a

Well, woke up with a tremendous migraine this morning (possibly due to the center ice collision I had last night with a really big defenseman), so I’m in total recovery mode – Un-Aspirin, Coke, and Ella Fitzgerald. In the CD player, that is. My typical migraine cure. It would help to not be at work today, but today’s the day we get taken to see the X-Men. That little factoid almost didn’t get me out of bed (yes, it’s just that bad), but then I remembered I had convinced everybody to go to Kubala’s beforehand for Burgers from Heaven. Burgers make Astro a happy boy. B is for Burger, that’s good enough for me.

So since I’m slugging down a Coke, I needed to eat a little something so it wouldn’t eat right through my stomach. Mmmmmmm… M&Ms. This is when I discover that I don’t have any change in my pocket. I go out to the car and discover that I apparently only have three quarters to my name. Great.

I get 75 cents worth of happiness and realize it looks awfully brown in the cup. I go back to my desk, dump them out and start counting (don’t ask). I have 14 brown M&Ms, 5 red, 5 yellow, 2 orange, one blue and one green. For those of you keeping track, that’s 50% brown! Looks like it’s going to be a brown day.

Oh, something funny when I drove in this morning – I was behind a Yellow Cab and noticed that they had an URL for the company on the back. As my eyes wandered around the its trunk, the taxi’s number slowly started seeping into my head. 404. If you think that’s funny too, maybe you should walk away from the computer for awhile, get some fresh air.

Oh, and I also realized

Oh, and I also realized tonight that I totally screwed up my link colors. White links on white background = D’OH! I want to keep the white on the sides, but am too tired to remember and/or look up how to do it. Hey – there’s something you can email me about! A real ice-breaker!

Goodnight, Irene.

Okay, Netscape’s getting on my

Okay, Netscape’s getting on my bad side tonight. I wrote up this nice long diatribe on how happy I was to finally be in the directory, how tired I am, how hockey went, etc. I open up a window to get a link to a Jean Reno website for you to look at (just so you have something to do until I wake up in the morning) and KABLAMMO! Illegal operation. Bite me, Netscape.

So, this is all the rant you get until tomorrow – I’m going to go collapse now and dream of bloggy places..

The Captain has returned. You

The Captain has returned. You know, it’s interesting that the Rangers chose to include the theme song to Welcome Back Kotter in the Messier video retrospective. As soon as I heard the words, I was laughing hard enough to make my co-workers gather around to see what hi-jinks I was up to this time.

“Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out.
Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about.
Well, the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya here where we need ya?
Yeah, we tease him a lot ’cause we’ve got him on the spot,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back”

For those of you who know the story, we have a song rife with meaning here. Hilarious!

Well, it’s time to say

Well, it’s time to say goodbye to both my productivity and my hard drive space. Yes, I’ve stumbled onto a page chock-full of Sesame Street wavs. Ordinarily this would be mildly amusing, but considering the fact that I’ve given myself the power to alter a co-worker’s system sounds at will, this page becomes an invaluable resource. BWA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!

So I go back to

So I go back to our QA lab and there was some freaky techie guy in there already hogging a bunch of the computers. Lucky for me, I started my testing last night. Take THAT techboy!

He was quite jumpy while I was in there – almost came out of his skin when I leaned back in my chair and it creaked. You should have seen him after I got through racing my chair around the lab making “VROOM VROOM!” noises. Well, in my head anyway. They don’t know me well enough on this floor yet to realize I’m really like that.

Pennywise (“Astro Zombies”) followed by Everything But the Girl (“Before Today”) followed by No Doubt (“Ex-Girlfriend”) followed by Peggy Lee (“Fever”) followed by the Cookie Monster’s (“Lost Me Cookie at the Disco””). I heart MP3s.

Oh God. I just got

Oh God. I just got to the end of my pasta and there was a piece of what appears to be carrot at the bottom. I don’t have anything against carrots per se (except for those little ones – they bug me), but the last time I checked, tomato sauce doesn’t have carrots in it. So now I’m wondering

a) What the hell this orange thing is

b) How many of these things I’ve eaten, since they kind of blend in with the natural red of the sauce.

I guess now I get to go home sick.