Ow ow ow ow owwwwwww…

Ow ow ow ow owwwwwww…

Well, one more night of the hockey clinic down – we’re now past the halfway point. It’s a good thing too, ’cause this ancient body of mine has just about had it with me. Up too late, waking up too early, then pushpushpush. Whew. And yet, here I sit in front of my computer trying to decide if I’ve double-typed letters or if my vision’s giving up on me. Any rational, sane person would probably be in bed snoring away at this point. Hell, any rational sane person would probably be doing lots of things I wouldn’t do. There’s one thing that’s keeping me going and I already have it set up for Saturday. If you’ve already looked through the rest of my site, you know what it is. Hot Tuuuuuub Oh yeah.

Tonight’s little glories: I’m getting better at that infernal hockey stop, my forward cross-overs aren’t too bad, and my slapshot has improved 100%. The first six shots went wide, we practiced our technique, then the next seven were directly on goal, Nice.

I have this feeling that I’m gonna have to spellcheck this later on tomorrow.

Oh, and here’s a cool link that I found on someone else’s blog (already forgot who’s – sorry, whoever you are) that I’ll put here so I can look at it at work tomorrow:
Eye Candy from the Underground. It’s wondalicious.

Oh, and still no email.

You know, I’ve become addicted

You know, I’ve become addicted to email as of late, but no one I know has been emailing me. Every account I check has no mail, yet I keep clicking over and over. Maybe there’s some mail in there… NOW! Sigh.

I would make one of those pitiful pleas for the people reading this to email me, but I’d imagine no one has seen this, since I’m not on the blogger page yet. A slight mistake with the URL description in the setup. It’s fixed now, Blogger guys! You can put me on the list so people can email me! Please?

Now how was that for pitiful?

Okay, get this. I’m sitting

Okay, get this. I’m sitting at my desk and a person I’ve seen before comes over and says “Hi Astro, we’ve never officially met.” He shakes my hand and inquires about my thoughts on the new position I’m in. Not once does he mention what his name is. Oooooookay…

Okay, now the Annoying Little

Okay, now the Annoying Little Dog has become the Annoying Burfing Little Dog. No, not “Barfing” – “Burfing”. It doesn’t have a real bark, but can’t really be classified as a yap. So, it just wanders around in circles around its owner’s desk going “BURF! BURF! BURF!”

If only it was a little smaller. The dog’s current size isn’t very flushable.