Hey gang. Just a quick update to let you know I’m still indeed alive, though at the moment I can’t think of how to catch up the various people who need catching up. I started the new job on Friday, I’ve gotten out of credit card debt, I have some new shoes, I’ve signed up to play roller hockey starting on the 14th of this month, I still have cancer, I still despise Neulasta, Barb’s helping me get my life back on track (an by result, our life) and helping me find old bills and debts to pay off, I changed the oil in my truck (again, due to Barb), and… ummm… that’s about all I can think of. Now I need to go tear apart a couple of computers to create a zombie.
Author: Brian
Hockey and Supercross
Well, I finally did it. I got the skates back on yesterday. The weather was nice and cool and my body was feeling tired and worn out from work, but I decided as I walked to my truck that I’d skate again today. I had second thoughts after getting all of my hockey gear on, as I worked up one hell of a sweat just doing that.
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The Itch is Back
Well, the itchy hands thing has come back. I went to see my doc (who wound up as one of the top doctors in the nation according to a recent US News & World Report article) and he said it’s not related to the Hodgkin’s. He said I’ve been doing so amazingly well and the nodes have shrunk so much, that there’s just no way the cancer could be doing this.
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I’m Back!
Hey gang. After days of electrical problems, ISP problems, chemo problems and general ennui, I have returned! And it’s all thanks to Conan O’Brien.
You see, I’m sitting in my chemo nest watching Conan O’Brien on MSNBC. I know – I was surprised too, but hey, it’s all NBC right? Regardless, even showing Family Guy won’t make me watch Fox News.
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The Amazing Chocolatier
Just got back from seeing Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. A truly excellent remake, but what else would you expect from the Tim Burton crew? Nice to see Danny Elfman go back to his Boingo roots with the Oompa Loompa songs too. All in all, this version seemed a bit more… sinister than the original. Something about the occasional looks on Depp’s face. You could almost imagine each child’s gruesome end in his eyes.
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Thank God for iPod…
Okay, it’s one thing to be listening to a radio at work. It’s another thing to turn that radio up louder. And for God’s sake, don’t SING ALONG!!!!
Today Means Yesterday
There. Got that out of the way, first things first. It’s almost one in the morning on Thursday, but all of the proceeding tale happened on Wednesday. Because of that and the fact that I haven’t been to sleep yet, today is still a part of yesterday to me and will be referred to as today. Or vice versa. Go it? Good. Explain it to me tomorrow. Today. Whatever.
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Things are Brewin’
Incidentally, the creativity has been bubbling around in me as of late. I’ve been working on some of our web stuff at work and have been getting into more of a web troubleshooting mindset because of it. So, expect weird things on the site over the next few days. I might start tinkering, unless I’m getting married again or going off on another honeymoon.
Trapped in a Half Hour Episode
Okay, so the R. Kelly question has been answered. Apparently it’s not me who he was trying to “punk” (as the kids say nowadays), rather his producers and record label. Turns out “Trapped in a Closet” is an “Urban Opera” where indeed he does just recite a laundry list of things that happened to him. The trick is, the story takes FIVE VIDEOS. Maybe more, but the “first five” are available with on DVD with purchase of his CD. Not only that, VH1 has seen fit to create a half hour special where they basically play the DVD for you. This is what I just got finished watching. Damn you, TiVo!
I liked R. Kelly better in the zorro mask – his little piggy eyes freak me out a little.
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I Deny the Denial
First off, does R. Kelly really have a song about hiding in a closet, or is he just playing a big prank on me? Not sure why he would, other than I like Me First & the Gimme Gimmes covering his music more than him singing it.
On to the post.
So I realized today that I’m not really sure how my mind is accepting/treating my cancer. I’ll explain.
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