So last night I was feeling a little weak/tired, but not too bad, and I was downloading random songs that I’ve been wanting to get for awhile now. Barb wanted me to download some Aaron Copland songs for the wedding. Naturally, the geeks in the file-sharing world aren’t too keen on his music, so I found nothing. Barb decided to go on a quest for an actual CD, so I went along with her since I’m Mr. Music and I wasn’t feeling that bad.
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T Minus 11 and counting…
So today was the first chemo treatment – 1 down, 12 to go. So far, I don’t feel any major effects, other than my new port hurting a bit. It’s under bandages for now, so you’ll have to wait for the gruesome photography.
I really feel for the people who had to go through thisin the old days, however. They gave me an anti-nausea drug through the port and it’s supposed to last 72 hours. I don’t feel sick, but my belly feels… weird. I would think that if it weren’t for the drug they gave me, I’d probably be puking my lungs out. As it is, I’ll just need to get up and sit down a little slower than usual to prevent all the weird gurgles.
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I must be tired – I thought that post was much longer…
The Too Much Information post. Slightly.
Sorry that I haven’t posted in a bit. It’s been a combination of drugs and not much happening.
Saturday, Joe and David stopped by to see the house and go over a plan of attack for the wedding. Joe’s going to be coordinating it for us and David’s going to be taking photos. Sunday, I basically slept all day. Monday was back to work after a stop by the bank. Not the money bank. Let’s just say we’re covering our bases on the fertility front.
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Today was a wearing sort of day. I didn’t do anything to strenuous, but I had another bad night of sleep (hey, five in a row!) and it’s pulling me down. Tonight’s a barbecue at a friend’s place, so I’m going to try to go unconscious for an hour or so.
You know, I think if there’s one thing cancer teaches you, it’s how to be humble. I wound up having to leave work today because my energy was getting lower and lower and I was getting dumber and dumber.
I think, at least so far, there are two big parts to my newfound humility to get over.
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Holy Moly….
So I arrive home today to find a little envelope from St. Francis Hospital. You know, the place I was cooped up in for five days. This wasn’t a bill, as the little paper kept reiterating in bold type. This is just letting me know how much they’re trying to shake out of my insurance company. Are you ready for it? No seriously, are you ready for it?
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A Sublime Exsithtence
I have a Star Wars thought, but I wasn’t about to title this “Sith Happens,” for obvious reasons (you know, that I’m both cool and grumpy). So I’m in my boss’ office going over some networking stuff and he has his TV turned to MSNBC.
This is the part where I say that while I’m a big Star Wars fan, I don’t quite get the dressing up on every conceivable location thing. Part of that might be that I don’t suffer fools gladly. If I’m dressed up as Chewbacca, I’m going to go all interstellarly postal when the tenth person commands that I growl.
That’s not my thought, though.
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Squirrel Fur (A loooong post)
Okay, time to do some catching up here. Let’s see, yesterday the PET scan went well. The scanner was one of those they pull up in a trailer, rather than installed in the hospital. On the way into the trailer, up the sharp metal steps, the tech managed to knock himself right off the top step. He had reached the top and was trying to both open the door and move to the side to allow me through. His slip-on shoe hung in the stair’s teeth however, sending him swinging into the abyss hanging onto the door handle. Quite an amusing way to start the day, especially since he didn’t get hurt.
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Two more to go…
So today’s my PET/CT scan. This one’s to find out exactly where the Hodgkin’s is and how bad, as well as give us a baseline. You see, Hodgkin’s is tough to read once it starts dying because it leaves scar tissue behind. That means that even though it might be gone from a lymph node, in a CT scan it will still look like it’s got the cancer. The PET actually checks function, so it will actually tell us how much we’re kicking the cancer’s ass later on down the line. Yeehaw.